AnimatedNC Flag

Animated Confederate flag


North Carolina Confederate Anti-hate Foundation website



Some Conclusions

I have come up with some conclusions of my own as to why the confederate battle flag is being attacked.

There are those in the United States that would like the confederacy forgotten because it represents a group of people who left the union and setup it's on nation. Failing in this they have seeded hate for the confederacy in many ways. I believe that it is no accident that hate groups have come to use the confederate battle flag as their banner. They use it because someone suggested this idea to them to deface and bring about the hatred that we now see towards a symbol that had nothing to do with hate. We must fight against this and put a stop to the misuse of our Heritage. This defacing of our confederate heritage can no longer be tolerated.

And as to the NAACP they are blinded by hate of a symbol that they perceive to stand for slavery that they do not want to see that there is even a chance that they are wrong. They (NAACP) only care about one thing the total destruction of something they feel stands for slavery and a time where their people where treated as less than human. What they may not realize or even want to realize because of their blinding hate is that the confederate battle flag only flew for a short period as national symbol and never over a slave ship. As it plainly states in the Confederate Constitution slaves where not imported into the New nation of the Confederate States of America. But those in the NAACP have not looked up this fact and are not willing to look up these facts because they are blinded by hate. The one fact they may be aware of but do not choose to pay attention to is that the United States Flag in one of it's many incarnations flew over many slave ships.

Above you will find facts collected by those that are interested in showing the facts. Please read it and understand that the Confederate battle flag does not stand for hate,fear or slavery of any kind.

In conclusion I believe that some in the United States are afraid that if the confederate heritage is seen as it should be then the confederacy will once again rise up in civil war. This is not the case. We only want to honor our ancestry just as anyone else does. We want people to not forget what happened during that time. We want people to research and find the truth for themselves, and not rely on someone else's word alone. We want people to understand what really led up to a civil war here in the United states. We would like for this not to happen again because if it does our way of life will never be the same again. We have a state of freedom that few in this world truly have. We need to savor that freedom and live life to it's fullest. That means not hating someone because we THINK we know the facts. We actually have to use our minds and common sense and search for the truth for ourselves.

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